What roads need to be repaired before October 2018 in Novosibirsk


Source: VN.ru

But soon, thanks to the federal priority project "Safe and qualitative roads", the situation will change. Yevgeni Dietrich, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, personally checked the progress of works in this street

At the junction of Pisarev and Krasny Prospekt we can see the past and the future of the street: from one hand the intersection to the mountain airport – the flat canvas of the motorway is already spreading. This segment was put in order as part of the project "Safe and Quality Roads" last year. In addition to repairing the canvas, replacing the traffic lights, pavement markers and traffic signs, they then removed the parking lot, which was located in the middle of the highway. This has created additional traffic lanes and improved traffic.

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Similar changes are expected this year from the intersection with Pisarev street until the intersection with ul. Maxim Gorky. On the site of a total length of 2.4 km, the platform will be replaced, parking pockets and side stones will be repaired, new lights and panels will be installed, and photovideo fixing cameras will appear at Intersection of Krasny Prospekt and Dostoevsky Street. The last point will reduce the rate of accidents at this intersection. The reduction of accidents will also contribute to the installation of a pedestrian traffic light at the intersection of Red Avenue and ul. Romanov. Do not forget pedestrians – sidewalk repair is part of the compulsory work in the "BKD". And how these works are performed in the capital of Siberia, satisfied the Minister of Transport. "On the priority project" Safe and Quality Roads ", the Novosibirsk region is one of the undisputed leaders," said DITRIKH. "And last year, this leadership was evident, and this year the contracts are already over, the work is intensively done."

The Minister was unable to badess the planning process safe and quality roads. The work here is done at night. However, he could not help but notice that more than 60,000 square meters of the asphalt concrete layer had been laid on the site, 60 square meters of the existing surface had been machined, the supports for the lights and panels had been installed. "Currently, 42.5% of the roads in the Novosibirsk region have been repaired, we expect that by the end of 2018, this figure will exceed 52%," said Yevgeny Dietrich

. who made a detour, reminded that it is important not only to carry out repairs on time in the project, but also to monitor the quality of work.

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Reminder, Igor Astakhov came to Novosibirsk in May and checked the objects repaired B D "last year. He then found a number of shortcomings, which city leaders have promised to eliminate during the upcoming summer season. Today, he was once again convinced that all comments were taken into account. "The Novosibirsk agglomeration is one of the most powerful agglomerations of our country," said Igor ASTAKHOV. "The control system put in place here allows us to say with confidence that the tasks of the region, the agglomeration and the city will be respected."

Anatoly Kostylevsky, Minister of Transport and Road Management of the Novosibirsk Region, This site is required for 1 October. But the road builders are sure: they will finish the repairs before the fall, so be in time before the period when traffic suddenly increases on the roads. And although time hinders construction, the entrepreneurs promise: here on September 1st, a new canvas will be posed on the Krasny Perspective.

By the way. The head of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Yevgeny Dietrich, commented the plans for the Sibmost revival: "It is the oldest organization that has done a lot for the transport industry." We watched carefully what happened to Sibmost a few years ago Now, there are some plans for the rebirth of the organization – we really believe that this work will end successfully, the bridge should be supported. "

Published in the newspaper "Vecherny Novosibirsk" n ° 28 of July 13, 2018.

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