Who can pensioners stay without promised premiums?


Source: Sputnik.md

CHISINAU, July 6 – Sputnik. The Moldovan government has asked parliament to urgently consider the draft law amending the state pension system.

According to the project developed by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, people who continue to work after on the recalculation of the pension.

First of all, this will apply to citizens who retired before January 1, 1999 and whose work experience after entering the well-deserved rest exceeds 15 years. Details of the proposed changes were clbadified by the participants press conference in press center Sputnik Moldova.

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MP Elena Bodnarenko noted that in 2017, when the country was a pension reform was carried out, it was said that retirees would be able to request a recalculation every two years, as the length of service increases.

"Now, it is suggested that this procedure be carried out only once." Bodnarenko noted:

The member explained that the new calculation would be individual, depending on the period during which the no one worked after his retirement, his salary and the contributions he made to the social fund insurance Bodnarenko pointed out that people who were working illegally would not be recalculated.

"We are talking about those who have about 75 years old. Not everyone was able to work these 15 years after his retirement. In other words, the number of beneficiaries of the announced allocation will be extremely low and the increase will be very modest. In addition, only those who make a written request will lift the pension, "said the MP

Thus, according to her, uninformed pensioners or those who do not have the opportunity to save all documents will remain without the promised supplements.

All Before the Elections

When asked why parliament was so eager to accept these amendments, she said the elections are coming in the fall and MPs have the # 39; intention to take any laws that can bring political dividends before the summer holidays. Here we see only a populist pre-election character. We are talking about people who retired before 1999. In fact, they are written off, nobody pays attention to them. It's more than 80 thousand people. Today, they are told that they will give a bonus, but they do not specify that it is only for working retirees. "He added that the authorities only remembered the problem of pensions before the elections, drafted the bill and planned to pay only the amount of the pension," said MP Vladimir Odnostalko. next year. But since many points of the law will already be canceled, there is no guarantee that all these changes will not be canceled after the elections.

During the discussions, the experts came to the conclusion that the pension system in Moldova required serious improvements. According to participants press conference, about 80% of retirees receive payments below the subsistence level, and the promised recalculation will not significantly improve their lives. Disabled pensioners and those who work illegally or abroad are also in a precarious financial situation.

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