Williams made new Sirotkin items. With them, the car has become even worse – Formula 1 News – Auto / Moto


Source: AP 2018

Grand Prix Great Britain offered the fans one of the most beautiful races of the season: the fight for victory was conducted in the final round, the medalist was in the lead a little less than the future winner. At Silverstone, there were brilliant overtaking, terrible starts and a tactical fight. It was not only Sergei Sirotkin. Specifically, he was on the track, but you barely saw him.

Before the race

At Silverstone "Williams" brought updates. Desperately beating to the last place, the team reworked the rear wing to change its position on the track. And she reached her goal – she changed the last places on the side.

There was not much difference in training. "Williams" periodically outperformed particularly unsuccessful rivals, taking places in the second half of the second decade. And the main blow fell on the qualification.
For the first segment, Sergei Sirotkin and Lance Strall managed to visit the sideline. And if Sirotkin on the track came back, Strohl did not succeed. Sergei also showed the time and took the 18th place, the third of the end. Fortunately, Strall did not make a single lap, and Brandon Hartley of the "Toro Rosso" did not go on the track.

After digging into the cars, the Williams realized that their drivers had been sidelined for a while. It has turned out that with the new wing, the DRS does not interact properly with the bottom and that the clamping force does not return even when the DRS closes. The one at the entrance of the turns deprives the car of control and sends it in an uncontrollable drift.

After evaluating the situation, Williams' technical boss, Paddy Lowe, decided that there was only one way to do it: go back to the previous version of the car. Of course, it is impossible to simply change cars in parc fermé mode. But Sirotkin and Strohlu were not at all threatened – instead of leaving the last places, they left the track with pit lane


There is nothing special to say about the Sirotkin and Williams race. . Aside from a good start with the pair of trophies the two Grove drivers only remembered the pair of minutes ahead of Lewis Hamilton, who started early.

Sirotkin was ahead of Strolla at the start of the race. Then they exchanged their seats, then again. All settled the case: the Russian and the Canadian, as usual, had different tactics. And she, as usual, worked for Lance. On the "software" Sergei did not look away from Lance, and after pit stops the softer tires are already Canadian. Bernd Maylander's departure equaled Sirotkin's slight Strohl delay, and after the return of the green flags, the Canadian easily pbaded his partner.

However, in the protocol Sirotkin was finally: Max Verstappen went around for the finish, immediately after Sergei.

After the race

The technical staff of "Williams" huge problems. Not only that they have built a terrible machine. They also made catastrophic updates! It's not easy to change a car down during the season, and if you change it … And now, how to believe that at least after the summer break FW41 goes more or less ?

At each new stage a thought enters me: Is it worth it to pull Grove Paddy Lowe? However, there are disastrous machines for everyone. It is unfortunate that his unfortunate project proved to be accurate at the arrival of Sirotkin at Williams.


"It was a very painful race.The first part did not look too bad.I think we worked with" software "tires with dignity. We did not have enough tempo, but at least everything was under control and then we had a rather late pit stop with the hope that the second segment would be shorter and faster. after that, there were many blue flags, and because of trips the tires of the safe car became more complicated.After that, I was on tires more rigid, while all the cars around me had softer and warmer tires.It is very painful to be a driver in this situation and bring the race to the checkered flag. In general, it is very disappointing. "

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