Without Ignashevich and the Berezutsky brothers. CSKA begins a new life – Premier League News – Football


Source: RIA Novosti

CSKA prepares for the season without its long-term defense leaders

Sergei Ignashevich spoke at the 2018 World Cup and after the Croatian match a admitted that he was completing a professional career.

The Berezutsky brothers have not yet announced their decision. But currently, in the camp red-blue they do not do it either. All three during the summer ended the current contracts, they did not sign any new ones.

But it is not a fact that any football players will not decide to pursue a career. CSKA President Evgeny Giner said in an interview with Sport24: "I am in a difficult situation, and I firmly know that all the players I ask will stay on the team, will sign the contract and will play the last of their strength, we had a family atmosphere, so it's still, let's see what the guys are saying, I'm 99% sure that if I ask the brothers or Seryozha (Ignashevich), they will sign leaves virgins where I can put myself the amount and duration of the contract. "

Do the military do anything ? ] So far, the situation is developing so that CSKA has lost three main central defenders. Therefore, folding hands in the summer red-blue did not sit. The club has been restocked by three players! From the point of view of arithmetic, the team stayed with theirs.

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1. The British "Bristol" acquired Hurdur Magnusson

The transfer amount was 2.8 million euros.

Footballer 25 years old. He is the main defender of the Icelandic team. At the 2018 World Cup played in three games out of three, she has never been replaced. With him, Iceland tied with Argentina – 1: 1. Magnusson differs in that it manages to stay at the forefront of rivals, depriving these freedoms

The Defender is distinguished by a strong growth of 190 centimeters. In 19 matches for Iceland's national team, he scored two goals.

In his youth, Magnusson played for the prima (youth team) of Juventus. And he also scored – six goals in 38 games. But he could not get a foothold in the Bianconeri.

In an interview The press service of CSKA Viktor Goncharenko admits to having seen Iceland replace Pontus Wernbloom: "We have observed it for a long time." Quality advocate. from the departure of Wernbloom, we need a Viking, who would be well prepared tactically.Moreover, he is perfectly prepared physically, can close several positions at once at the center of the defense and on the flank.It has a lot strong qualities that attracted us. "

2. The Brazilian club" Bahia "rented Rodrigo Bekao

He is still younger than Magnusson – a 22-year-old South American. With the European, it is badociated with strong growth – 191 centimeters. And it is also very dangerous on standards.

Bekao is distinguished by impetuousness – he quickly covers the opponent.

Attacks simply begin with the transfer to a close partner. With medium and long distances, there are difficulties. But John Stones of Manchester City rarely uses the ball long distance.

Viktor Goncharenko liked the way the rookie fit into the structure of the game: "Bekao is fine, it's a precious help. It's great when a beginner blends into the model of the game. He has a cane, as at Berezutsky and Ignashevich, this cane is needed for the team. "With the veterans, Bekao has a high concentration – he finishes the entire episode until the end.As Magnusson.

3. Nikita Chernov returned from the lease to Ural

Another hero is 188 centimeters tall

Goncharenko is counting on him. "He was in the cradle a long time ago. It seems that is about to … We hope this will help us now, "said the coach in late spring. The 22-year-old man is determined: "If it is not now, when?"

How does Viktor Goncharenko solve the problem?

CSKA also has Victor Vasin. But he is recovering from a cruciate ligament injury. And Magnusson joined the team only after the end of the 2018 World Cup. Therefore, while Viktor Goncharenko managed to work only with Bekao and Chernov

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In the control matches of CSKA played in a scheme with two central defenders. It was even when Bekao was not there yet.

It is likely that this will be the modular duo at the center of defense that will launch the new season of CSKA. His team drove last winter. And the point here is not only that a lot of newcomers and everyone put in the structure is dangerous.

It should be remembered that Goncharenko has never been a fan of the arrangement with the troika on the defensive. Even in Ufa, the coach wanted to use the duo! At first, it was so. But as the work progressed, the specialist realized that he would get better results with three back players. In two defenders played BATE Goncharenko, when he appeared the first time in the Champions League – in the 2008/09 season. Then Borisov joined the same group as Real Madrid, Juventus and Zenit.

The situation with the three defenders of CSKA Goncharenko was also motivated by the staff situation. He had four clbad supporters at hand: the Berezutsky brothers, Sergei Ignashevich and Viktor Vasin. The brigade has disintegrated

Viktor Goncharenko is able to badyze the situation and adapt to it

Does still refer to a scheme with a duo in the center?

CSKA can not exclude two defenders on a continuous basis. Because:

1. All CSKA recruits last season played in teams that were defended by four players in a row.

And Magnusson, and Bekao, and Chernov. The arrangement of 3-X-X is less familiar to them.

2. At the 2018 World Cup, three defensemen were played by the units.

The two finalists of the World Cup played in two defenders – France and Croatia. Even Russia, which played the 3-X-X module for two years, refused it.

3. The successful experience of "Loco".

Last season, the "railway workers" switched to a more aggressive option en route for the season, eventually becoming champions

Victor Goncharenko is pleased with the restructuring: "It was important to decide and with the model of the game, how we are going to attack and defend.I liked how we acted on the defensive, a lot of things quickly grabbed.The quality of the game somewhere was somewhere worse, somewhere was better. "

At CSKA returned to the previous model of the game, it is necessary: ​​a) that all the defenders were in the ranks; (b) were in good shape; c) there was a good understanding between them

Does CSKA need other advocates?

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For a game in two central defenders, a four-player clip is a variation of work. he still has Kirill Nababkin and Georgy Schennikov, who in separate matches can help.

Plus the factor of Sergei Ignashevich and the Berezutsky brothers. Let's say that they decide not to pursue a career, and CSKA will start to fall. They can always be added. Free agents can be added outside the transfer windows.

Buying the fourth central defender in a transfer window is always a bust. CSKA never plays in a noodike. The choice to trust the club has already been made

How can the staff revolution affect CSKA?

At the beginning, CSKA may have difficulties. How did they come to Juventus in the first half of the season-2015 / 16.

It's always hard to stay confident when one of the lines collapses. In the "Old Lady" he became the middle of the field. Off season, the team left Andrea Pirlo, Arthur Vidal and Roberto Pereira. Each of them was an important player. This led to the fact that in the first ten rounds of the championship of Italy in the new season, the "Bianconeri" suffered four defeats (!) And twice played a draw. The lost have watched Paul Pogba.

For the brothers CSKA Berezutsky and Sergei Ignashevich are just as important as for this "Juventus" Pirlo and Vidal. The situation of the army is even more serious: the defense and the goalkeeper spoke Russian and understood half a word (if only Vasin, everyone was playing more than ten years), now there may be problems of mutual understanding. [ad_2]
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