00:04 – ATP Newport – Johnson against Ramanathan in the final


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 in BRUSSELS (Belgium)

The final of the Newport field tennis tournament ($ 557,050) will pit American Steve Johnson against Indian Ramkumar Ramanathan.Johnson, 48th overall and seeded player N.3 Spaniard Marcel Granollers (ATP 124) is played Saturday on a double 6-3 in 1 hour and 10 minutes. The 28-year-old American will be aiming for a fourth ATP title. This season, he has already won in Houston. Ramanathan, 23, the world's 161st player, qualified at the expense of American Tim Smyczek (ATP 123), 6-4, 7-5, after 1h32 of trading. He is looking for his first ATP title. Ramanathan could emulate his countryman Leander Paes, winner in Newport just 20 years ago. (Belga)

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