01:13 – Rail Strikes – Metisp-Protect Union Also Supports CIS Notice of Strike


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 in BRUSSELS (Belgium)

The Metisp-Protect union announced Thursday night support the strike notice filed by the Independent Union for Railwaymen (SIC) for the period of July 10 from 3:00 am to July 12 to 3:00. He calls all train drivers to stand together and stop work. Earlier in the day, the Autonomous Union of Train Drivers (SACT) also indicated support for this action.This notice "are only the consequence of the management of the file revaluation of the profession of train drivers," denounces the Metisp- Protect. The union, recently formed by CGSP alumni, "has always considered it unacceptable that an increase in productivity should be badociated with a revaluation of the profession of train driver". He had filed a strike notice for 25, 26 and 29 June, as well as 2, 4, 6, 9 and 11 July, which however was rejected by HR-Rail, the legal employer of the railways. This organization did the same on Wednesday with the filing, on June 28, of a similar notice from the SACT for the period of July 12 at 3:00 am to July 14 at the same time. On the other hand, HR-Rail has accepted the CIS one for the period from July 10th from 3:00 am to July 12th at 3:00 am. The Autonomous Union of Train Drivers has therefore decided to join this action, as Metisp-Protect Thursday night. The SNCB said Wednesday that the minimum service would apply on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 July. (Belga)

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