02h40 – World 2018 – France: thirty wounded during a panic in Nice


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 to BRUSSELS (Belgium)

Throwing firecrackers just before the final whistle of the France-Belgium match caused a panic in Nice on Tuesday night, the public believing in shots, report several French media. Thirty people were injured. The crowd movement was caused by two firecrackers, just before the victory of the Blues against the Red Devils (1-0) in the semifinal of the World Cup football. People started running and some took refuge in bars, says Nice-Matin. Tables of terraces of bars were overthrown and about thirty people victims of falls or cuts were supported by firefighters on the Promenade des Anglais, theater of a ram-attack on July 14, 2016. Dozens firefighters and six ambulances were mobilized, according to the Parisian. (Belga)

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