03h24 – Nicaragua: human chain for the departure of Ortega after clashes in the north


Thousands of Nicaraguans on Wednesday formed a human chain on the road from Managua to Masaya to demand the departure of President Daniel Ortega and the end of the violence, which left a dead Tuesday in clashes between opponents and political forces. order in the north of the country.

Wearing flags and blue and white clothing, in the colors of the country, the demonstrators gathered between two roundabouts distant 3.5 km on the road connecting the capital to Masaya , located 30 km south of Managua.

"The people are standing up and are not afraid, we tell Commander Ortega that he is leaving, that he is resigning," said a young demonstrator from 27 years old, a flag in his hand.

Elsewhere in the capital, hundreds of government supporters, mostly civil servants, fought back, forming a "red and black" chain in the colors of the ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front. . The march concluded with a concert on the famous Bolivar Avenue.

"No withdrawal", "the commander Ortega must remain", proclaimed the Sandinists.

Tuesday, clashes between supporters of the opposition and police who entered the city of La Trinidad in the north Tuesday, according to the state press, killed one of the riot police, wounded two and led to ten arrests.

human rights, several anti-government protesters were injured during this incursion of police and pro-government gunmen in La Trinidad, 125 km north of Managua.

Police regained control of the city Wednesday after dispersing protesters blocking tracks, according to religious and humanitarian sources.

Nicaragua is shaken for two and a half months by a wave of demonstrations against President Daniel Ortega, accused of having insta urged a dictatorship with his wife and vice-president Rosario Murillo, but also nepotism and directing the ongoing repression, which has made according to reports between 220 and 309 dead and 1,500 wounded since April 18.

These demonstrations and these clashes occur as a group of experts from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) began Tuesday, on a six-month mandate, to investigate the violence.

Daniel Ortega, a 72-year-old former guerrilla, has been in power since 2007 after a first term from 1979 to 1990. The opposition, supported by the Church, mediator of the dialogue with the government, demands that it organize early elections in March. 2019 instead of 2021.

President's brother and former chief of staff, now retired, Humberto Ortega has called him to agree to advance the date of the elections and to disarm the armed groups in a letter made public on Wednesday. [19659013] © 2018 AFP. All rights of reproduction and representation reserved. All information reproduced in this section (news, photos, logos) is protected by intellectual property rights held by AFP. Therefore, none of this information may be reproduced, modified, reposted, translated, exploited commercially or reused in any way without the prior written consent of AFP.

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