04:32 – Nicaragua: intensification of diplomatic pressure on Ortega


Diplomatic pressure escalates on Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, with the international community calling for an end to repression after three months of violent repression that has left hundreds dead.

" It is absolutely essential that the violence be stopped immediately and that the national dialogue be re-launched, because only a political solution is acceptable to Nicaragua, "said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday.

" A responsibility the essential principle of the state is the protection of its citizens, and this fundamental principle can not be forgotten, especially when we unfortunately have a death toll that is absolutely shocking, "Guterres told San José during a speech. to the President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado

From Brussels, where a meeting of Foreign Ministers is being held until Tuesday of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), 13 Latin American countries on Monday called for a joint declaration "the immediate cessation of acts of violence" in Nicaragua

These countries condemn the violence that has caused "more than 300 deaths and hundreds of wounded" and the "repression" of the authorities against students and civilians and demand "the dismantling of paramilitary groups".

13 countries also urge Managua to "reactivate the national dialogue" which "involves all parties in generating peaceful and lasting solutions" and expresses their support for the Nicaraguan Bishops in their work "for the research and promotion of solutions to the conflict "

The document is signed by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and the United States. 'Equate ur.

– European pressure –

On Sunday, European diplomacy condemned "violence against students and civilians" in Nicaragua, calling for "an end to all violence" and "a peaceful solution. democracy in the country in the framework of the national dialogue. "

France and Spain also called on the Nicaraguan authorities to cease their" repression "after the death of at least ten people on Sunday.

" France condemns the recent attacks by police and paramilitary forces against religious leaders and peaceful demonstrators, including students, "said the French Foreign Ministry in a statement.

" The government of Condemns all recent acts of violence in Nicaragua and reiterates the need to respect rights of badembly, demonstration and freedom of expression ", wrote in a statement the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spain, led since 1 June by the Socialist Pedro Sanchez, wishes" that all the deaths occurred in this crisis since April 18 are the subject "

The US State Department for its part urged Mr. Ortega" to immediately stop his crackdown on the people. "

Six civilians and four police officers were killed on Sunday in operations of police and paramilitary forces in Masaya, a rebel city located about thirty kilometers from the capital Managua, and its surroundings.

On the night of Friday to Saturday, two young people had been killed during an attack led by pro-government forces against a church in Managua, where some 200 students had entrenched themselves.

These are the latest episodes in the violence that has shaken the country for three months. s, the poorest in Central America.

– "Let them go" –

"Let them go!", chanted Monday hundreds of students who marched in the streets of the capital, determined to protest "until these criminals resign."

"Even if they kill us and repress us, we will continue this fight", they launched by claiming "justice" for their comrades killed in clashes with the police

"No to repression. Ortega badbadin, you will end up leaving, "reads a sign of the march, which ended in front of El Chipote prison, in the center of the capital.Hundreds of young people were arrested during demonstrations in recent weeks

The government describes the protesters as "putschists" and "delinquents."

A protest movement, whose students are spearheading, was launched on April 18 against Government of Daniel Ortega.

The 72-year-old head of state, head of Nicaragua since 2007 after having already directed from 1979 to 1990, is accused of having harshly repressed demonstrations and set up with his wife Rosario Murillo, who serves as vice-president, a "dictatorship" marked by corruption and nepotism: his opponents demand early elections or his departure

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