08:44 – Trump under pressure, California judges chain hijackers


The defendants enter the Indian courtroom in the courtroom of California at the judge's call: seven men and two women, undocumented migrants arrested the day before.

No more cases after case: the zero-tolerance policy against illegal immigration, wanted by President Trump, imposes these group sessions, in the face of the files piling up.

The other American states Since 2005, border workers in Mexico have resorted to this chain treatment. California had resisted to date, but the accumulation of files has become untenable.

Sitting side by side in this San Diego courtroom, the nine illegal immigrants wear the clothes in which they were arrested. Their faces reflect the tiredness and hardships they have endured in recent days.

There is also discouragement, at the end of a painful journey that would offer them a new life but will end with an expulsion from the

Their lawyers were unable to meet them until a few hours before the hearing, in a basement of the building, to explain to them that it was, not an ordinary migratory court, but of a criminal court, before which they incur up to six months behind bars.

The representatives of the public prosecutor explain to them that, if they plead guilty, they can escape the prison, but that they will be immediately expelled.

Migrant organizations point out that any criminal conviction being entered in the criminal record would jeopardize the prospects of these illegal immigrants in the event of future asylum or visa applications.

done in such a way that people are literally treated like in an badembly line ", explains to AFP Michelle Angeles, a lawyer committed ex officio.

Her client is named Jose Sanchez, a young man of 27 years old who has never finished high school

"What are you pleading?" Asked the judge.

"Culpable", he murmurs in Spanish, on the spot translated by an interpreter : "Guilty"

Interviewed in the same way by Judge Mitchell Dembin, the others answer each in turn: "Guilty …, not American … I understand the trouble."

– To apply the directives –

Lawyers fight foot-to-mouth during court hearing what they consider expeditious justice.

In heated exchanges with Judge Dembin, they demand removal of hearing and release of their clients, in order to give them time to prepare their files.

They also report Presentation of these migrants to the court in a poor state. Some were not even able to wash themselves before the hearing.

"I will not cancel the proceedings, I will not release them", replies the magistrate, in a tone of frustration.

"This is not a public meeting! ", whites one who is originally specialized in cybercrime, stating that he had to rule on 60 other cases in the last five days.

Judge Dembin says in the obligation to comply with the new directives of the Ministry of Justice. Minister Jeff Sessions has called on California to abide by the "zero tolerance" policy already practiced by other states.

Most of the nine defendants who appear together on this day are Mexican, who have gone to the United States. United States to afford a better life and to benefit financially their loved ones, remained in the country.

Aged 24, Lucio Martinez wanted to find a place in a restaurant to help raise his young son. Juan Manuel Murillo (41 years old), has tried his luck to make this operation of the eyes he needs.

These criminal criminal hearings, known as code "Operation Streamline" (operation rationalization), have first held in 2005 in Texas, under the influence of President George W. Bush, also a supporter of "zero tolerance."

So far, civil procedure has been the rule, via migration courts. Criminal proceedings were reserved for repeat offenders or migrants with a criminal record.

Today, the flow of illegal immigrants is such that "you will not be able to offer the same justice to everyone," said Lynn Marcus, Professor of Law at the University of Arizona and Specialist in Foreign Law

In San Diego, the hearing ends and Judge Dembin wishes "good luck" to the unfortunate whose fate he sealed.

In a handful of minutes, a new batch of five men and two women will succeed them, and everything will start again.

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