10:00 am – A golf course at the origin of enmity between Trump and the Scottish Government


For a ten-year old golf course scramble, the Scottish Government and US President Donald Trump have a fresh relationship that the billionaire's adventures in Scotland this weekend should not improve.

Donald Trump is expected in his luxurious sports and hotel complex in Turnberry (South West Scotland), which includes three golf courses. But it is for his other course, known as Trump International Golf Links, and located north of Aberdeen (north-east of Scotland), that he has long been scrapped with Edinburgh.

A few days before the first US President's official visit to the United Kingdom, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon did not hide his pleasure during the inauguration of a wind farm whose construction had been slowed down by the tycoon real estate, who feared that it spoiled the pretty view that offered his field.

"A famous American owner of a golf course, and who, it seems to me, has converted into politics, had decided to continue the government to prevent the installation of these turbines, "said the head of the Scottish National Party (SNP) during the commissioning of the first wind turbine.

" But the government beat it in the courts And these great wind turbines von t be able to start producing electricity, "she added.

Nicola Sturgeon refused to meet Donald Trump during his visit. It has, however, resisted the pressure of some Scottish parliamentarians who wanted the government to forbid it from landing at the Glasgow-Prestwick Airport.

For the animosity is tenacious between the man who prides himself on being the best negotiator in the world and the Scottish rulers.

– 'Terrible ravages' –

Son of a Scottish girl, Donald Trump had acquired 567 hectares of land in 2006 near Aberdeen, promising to "The best golf course in the world."

The proposal was welcomed by the then premier, Labor Jack McConnell, who even named the American "Scottish World Ambbadador" for business.

It was without counting on opposition to the project of the local elected representatives, the inhabitants and the defenders of the environment.

But at first, the independence government of Alex Salmond, a fervent amateur of golf , cancels the dec ision of the city council to allow the construction site to begin, attracting the qualifier "extraordinary man" from Mr. Trump and laying the foundation for a friendship that was not going to last.

The American magnate promised to create 6,000 jobs and to invest 1 billion pounds (1.13 billion euros), which never materialized. The Trump Organization has spent a total of 100 million pounds (113 million euros) on the site, and employed up to 650 people, including temporary workers.

In addition, Mr. Trump begins to get involved in the policy by the SNP, which wants to make Scotland a leader in renewable energy.

In 2009, he goes to the Scottish Parliament to say all the trouble he thinks of the plan to build eleven "horrible" wind turbines Offshore, off Aberdeen, claiming that they would cause "terrible devastation" to Scottish tourism.

Six years later, the number of visitors to Scotland increased by almost 25%, and more than two-thirds of Scottish homes fueled with renewable energy.

After threatening to no longer invest in Scotland if the wind project came to life, Donald Trump finally consoled himself by offering another golf course, at the other end of the country.

Carefully choosing the moment, he was it came to inaugurate its Turnberry complex on June 24, 2016, the day after the referendum that saw the British vote for Brexit.

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