11:06 – Murder of Anna Politkovskaya: the ECHR condemns Russia for failures in the investigation


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on Tuesday condemned Russia for failing to "implement the appropriate investigative measures to identify the sponsor or sponsors of the murder" of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006.

"The (Russian) State has failed to fulfill the obligations relating to the effectiveness and duration of the investigation incumbent on it under the European Convention on Human Rights of 1950, In a statement issued by the ECHR in a statement

By a vote of 5 to 2, the judgments of the Russian and Slovak courts, the ECHR held that there had been a "violation of Article 2 of the Convention" on the "right to life "

Seizure by the family of the victim, the Court" emphasizes that the investigation has yielded tangible results since five men were found directly guilty of the murder ", but it notes that" in a homicide of however, it can not be considered that the survey was appropriate if no effort was was done to identify the sponsor of the murder. "

" The authorities have developed a theory as to the instigator of the homicide, directing their investigation to a Russian businessman who resided in London, now deceased, but they have not specified the means used to follow this path ", according to the Court

According to the Court," they should also have studied other hypotheses, including those suggested by the applicants, which alleged that FSB agents, Russian secret services, or the Chechen Republic administration were involved in the badbadination. "

" A well-known investigative journalist, Anna Politkovskaya, had investigated allegations of human rights violations. man committed in Chechnya during the second campaign in the region against the rebels, and she had repeatedly criticized the policies of (Russian) President Vladimir Putin, "recalls the Court

Not final, the judgment rendered Tuesday may be appealed within three months

In June 2017, Lom-Ali Gaitukayev, convicted of organizing in October The murder of the journalist died in prison in 2006, when he was serving a sentence of life imprisonment.

Of Chechen origin, he was the uncle of Rustam Makhmudov, who was found guilty of having shot journalist, aged 48, at the entrance of her building. He was also sentenced to life imprisonment and serving his sentence.

The court also sentenced a Moscow police officer, Sergei Khadzhikurbanov, to 20 years' imprisonment for taking part in the preparation of the murder.

More than ten years after this badbadination which had moved the whole world, the sponsors have still not been identified by the Russian justice.

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