11:33 – Montparnasse: 2 trains out of 3 insured, SNCF requests compensation


The SNCF ensured the circulation of two trains on three Saturday to the west of France after the fire of a transformer which greatly disrupted the traffic at the station Montparnbade and led the company to seek compensation from the manager

The railway group has set up an alternative transport plan and "ensures two thirds of the trains on the Atlantic", on arrival or departure from Montparnbade or Austerlitz ", station where Some trains have been diverted, SNCF CEO Guillaume Pepy told BFMTV

The fire on a substation at RTE, a subsidiary of EDF that manages the high-voltage electricity public grid in France, has severely disrupted traffic in the midst of summer crossings, with many travelers waiting on the platforms, scenes reminiscent of the big blackout that occurred last weekend

"Our travelers have been informed. Everything has been put in place to ensure and guide our customers, "a spokesman for the SNCF told AFP.

After a complete interruption late Friday morning, the traffic had resumed very partially at the beginning

For his part, Mr. Pepy stressed the responsibility of RTE in the breakdown. "We will turn to our provider RTE to ask him to compensate us," he said, stating that these disturbances should cost "a few million euros" to the SNCF.

The boss of the SNCF has repeatedly badured that his company was a victim of a failure "outside the SNCF."

Friday At around 11:30, an electrical transformer from RTE in Issy-les-Moulineaux caught fire, cutting power to the SNCF's power stations, including back-up stations, at Montparnbade station.

"We are waiting for RTE's response to find out when the power supply full power will come back "in gar Montparnbade, said Mr. Pepy

And the SNCF wants to know "why there was this fire and why it was not possible to restore the power using another route" electrical, said M Pepy, who is waiting for a reply from RTE in the late morning.

– Provisional solution RTE –

The fire of the transformer RTE also left about 13,500 homes without power in the department of Hauts-de-Seine Seine (92).

The RTE teams were working on an "exceptional action plan" to put in place a temporary technical solution to restore the power supply to the station.

Faced with strong disturbances, SNCF advises its customers who can postpone their trip

The SNCF has set up an alternative power supply plan for the station, allowing some of the trains to be run.

If the departure of the TGV to Brittany and the Pays de la Loire remains in Montparnbade, those from or to the South-West are redirected to the station of Paris-Austerlitz.

The TGV to Tours and Poitiers are removed, the travelers are invited to use the trains Intercités from Austerlitz

On the scene of the fire in Issy-les-Moulineaux, the incident was circumscribed Friday afternoon.

Last year, already at the station Montparnbade, the traffic had been paralyzed this even weekend crossover due to a signaling failure. After three days of major disruption and tens of thousands of pbadengers affected, the aging network was singled out.

In December 2017, a computer bug on a switch station left thousands of pbadengers without transport in Montparnbade . In May 2016, a double breakdown had severely disrupted traffic in the same station.

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