11:53 – A total lunar eclipse visible in Belgium on Friday


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 in BRUSSELS (Belgium)

A total lunar eclipse will be visible in Belgium Friday from 21:30, announced the Royal Observatory of Belgium on Tuesday. The French Federation of Amateur Astronomers of Belgium (FFAAB) will organize on this occasion activities to admire the phenomenon.The entire cycle of the lunar eclipse will however not be visible on the territory, says the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The Moon will rise in Belgium to the south-west around 9:30 pm and it will already be completely eclipsed. The star will have a reddish appearance and will be observable well until the end of the total eclipse planned at 23:13. The end of the cycle, that is to say the gradual release of the star from the shadows and darkness, will be visible until Saturday at 00:19. The total lunar eclipse will be difficult to contemplate, warns the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The country will be plunged into a dark night from 22h17 only, which will influence the phenomenon due to the light of the day still present before. In addition, an unobstructed view, a high altitude position and a little capricious weather are essential conditions for observation. Moreover, the phenomenon is not rare, emphasizes the Observatory. A total eclipse of the Moon had already appeared in Belgium on 28 September 2015. Four planets will also be visible in the Belgian sky, according to the FFAAB. Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, can be seen with a pair of binoculars as soon as the sun sets. By means of a telescope, amateur astronomers can also admire Saturn, Venus and Mars, which will be exceptionally aligned with the Sun and the Earth. On this occasion, the FFAAB organizes observation posts, notably in Brussels and Dinant. (Belga)

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