11h15 – Ile-de-France: back to normal on B, D, H and Eurostar lines


Traffic was gradually returning to normal on Tuesday morning on the RER B and D, on the H line of the transilien and on the Eurostar in Paris, after disturbances caused by a "fault on a power cable of Enedis ", the SNCF said.

The traffic" is in return progressive to the normal at the beginning and the arrival of the station of the North since 09H00 ", badures the railway company.

The electrical failure caused of strong disturbances on the lines since 05H00, but the SNCF "set up a system of relief (…) the time that the installations are repaired, probably during the day", specifies the release.

On the responsibility of the delay of repair, Enedis and the SNCF send back the ball, the distributor of electricity emphasizing that the system of emergency did not function because of a "dysfunction" side SNCF.

Two Eurostar Paris-London and a Eurostar London-Paris were canceled, and the t rafic was still "heavily slowed down" on lines D and H, according to the twitter account of the lines.

TGV, Intercités and TER have not been "directly affected by this incident", according to the SNCF

The Enedis electricity distribution network explained that the electrical incident occurred at 04H15 on the network that supplies the SNCF facilities at the Gare du Nord could only be repaired at 07H30, following a "malfunction" on a station of the railway company.

"In an incident of this type, an automatic switch on a spare cable normally allows the recovery of electricity in about ten seconds ", details Enedis. "In this case, the permutation did not work following a malfunction on the internal station of the SNCF."

Enedis ensures to have sent technicians on the spot as soon as it was informed, towards 05H30, but " the access to the station having been given by the SNCF to the Enedis technicians at 7:15 am, this maneuver could only have been done by Enedis at 7:30 am, time of the restoration of electricity. "

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