13:17 – Israel: Netanyahu praises Trump's "firm stance" on Iran


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday praised Donald Trump's "firm stance" against Iran following statements of a rare virulence of the US president against Tehran.

"I want to pay tribute to the President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a firm stand yesterday against the regime's aggression in Iran, "Israel's prime minister said at a cabinet meeting, a statement from his office said. Israel considers Iran as its number one enemy.

"For years, the (Iranian) regime has been pampered by the big powers and it is good to see that the United States is changing this equation unacceptable", added Prime Minister

On Sunday, Trump warned Iran in a virulent Twitter message. "NEVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN SUFFERING CONSEQUENCES SUCH AS LITTLE DURING HISTORY HAVE KNOWN THEM BEFORE," he wrote in a message addressed by name to Iranian President Hbadan Rohani.

The United States is "not afraid" to sanction "the highest level" the regime in Tehran, also warned Sunday US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

M. Rohani had previously advised the US president to "not play with the tail of the lion" and warned that a conflict with Iran would be the "mother of all wars."

Tensions between Iran and the states United States was revived after President Trump's decision to unilaterally withdraw the United States from the international agreement to limit the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions against that country. The Europeans, Russia and China are defending this agreement concluded in 2015.

M. Netanyahu has been an opponent of the text for years.

The Israeli Prime Minister regularly accuses Tehran of wanting to establish a long-term presence in Syria where the Iranians support the regime of Bashar al-Assad in the war that ravages this country since 2011, while like the Lebanese Hezbollah also an enemy of Israel.

"Israel will continue to act against any attempt by Iran and its allies to establish a military base in Syria," the Israeli prime minister warned on Monday.

Iran and its presence in Syria should be on the agenda that Netanyahu is scheduled to hold in Israel on Monday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Chief of Staff Valeri Guerbadimov.

Russia is an ally of Bashar al-Assad alongside Iran and Hezbollah

M. Netanyahu claimed that the visit was organized at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin ", stating that the talks would focus on Syria.

While being careful not to be dragged into the conflict, Israel has repeatedly struck the Syrian territory, including weapons convoys intended, according to him, to Hezbollah and the positions of the regime.

Lavrov's visit to Israel comes as Syrian troops launched an offensive against rebel forces in the country. southern Syria and approaching Israeli positions in the Golan Heights captured in 1967 and annexed by the Jewish State.

The Syrian regime also denounced Monday the evacuation by Israel of White Helmets, these rescuers in rebel areas, to Jordan, calling it "criminal"

The conflict in Syria began after the bloody repression by the regime of peaceful demonstrations calling for democratic reforms

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