14,000 people at the National Ball in the presence of King Philippe but without Prince Laurent (photos)


By Belga

Prince Laurent and Princess Claire were not present

In the occasion of its 5 years of reign, King Philip attended Friday night with Queen Mathilde at the National Ball, given for the 15th consecutive year on the Place du Jeu de Balle in Brussels. About 14,000 people took part in this popular event, announced Sophie Dupavé, in charge of the communication.

The National Ball in Brussels

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The public was numerous from the beginning. The Belgian colors black, yellow and red dressed the crowd and the front of the stage. A giant screen was installed this year at the back of the artists, which allowed to animate the show of various projections. A giant screen was also placed to the right of the stage, as in previous years.

Prince Laurent and Princess Claire absent

The ball opened at 7 pm with a collective choreography directed by the group of Unik Party dancers. Johnny Hallyday's singer, Liliane Saint-Pierre, who starred in the 1980s and the Flemish boy band of the 90s "Get ready!"

The royal couple his entry shortly before 21:45 with the mayor of the City of Brussels Philippe Close. They joined the tribune of honor. The Palace specified that the presence of Prince Laurent and Princess Claire was not planned at the ball, contrary to what was announced in the release of the City.

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Around 10 pm, a group of saxophonists played the tune of the song "Happy Birthday". A cake was displayed on the stage screen and the candles were blown out with the audience. Lots of black, yellow and red balloons were raised above the audience and flew into the sky. The saxophonists then performed Stromae's song "So we dance."

Happy birthday

With his guitar, Alec Mansion of the group Leopold Nord took over the microphone to make the public sing songs from the 60s to the 80s. He ended his show with his hit song "C'est l'amour". Lio and Plastic Bertrand then sang in duet and solo their big titles like "The brunettes do not count for plums" and "It's a must for me", as well as "On a Bach prelude" by Maurane, who died in early May.

The public sang a happy birthday to the King and Queen for their departure from the ball shortly before 11 pm DJ Daddy K and the group The Planes closed the ball until 1:00 am

Thierry De Coster and Max Lamenace played Berre and Swa, the concierges of the Place du jeu de Balle who presented the artists on stage .

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