15:07 – Traffic interrupted at Montparnasse station after a fire on a substation


No train was running Friday late morning at Montparnbade station in Paris because of a fire on a substation, a blow for travelers cross-country vacationers.

Around 11:30, a RTE's electrical transformer in Issy-les-Moulineaux caught fire, cutting power to SNCF's power stations, including back-ups, Patrick Patrick, CEO of SNCF Réseau, told a press point.

"Consequently, the Montparnbade station can no longer function," he said.

The SNCF is already anticipating very strong traffic disruptions at the start and finish of Montparnbade until the end of the day and advises to customers who can postpone their trip.

She will set up an alternative power plan of the station, which will allow to leave or arrive part of the trains in the middle of the afternoon, according to the leader.

"It will be limited, he there will be about five per hour, "said Jeantet.

The SNCF will also activate a plan" station blocked "to make leave and arrive trains in Paris-Austerlitz station, he added

"The challenge of the next few hours is to be able to distribute the trains that will be at the start, between Austerlitz which is a station of load shedding and the Montparnbade station, because a part of the trains will still be able to leave Montparnbade", SNCF deputy managing director Mathias Vicherat told AFP

SNCF is also working with the high-voltage transmission system manager on another more sustainable electricity supply plan in Vanves to bring the traffic normal but she will not know if it works only in the evening, said Jeantet.

RTE explained that "the fire is the cause of power cuts in Issy-les-Moulineaux, Vanves, Malakoff and at Montparnbade station which is currently at a standstill "

Impressive volutes of black smoke emanated from a post not far from the tracks, according to images broadcast late in the morning on social networks.

– Exasperation –

On the scene of the fire in Issy-les-Moulineaux, the disaster is circumscribed and the evacuees begin to reintegrate the buildings, found an AFP journalist.

The fire took place at the foot of the Accor Hotel in Issy, not far from Microsoft's premises on the banks of the Seine. Dozens of fire engines are still there in the middle of the afternoon.

This interruption comes in full cross-country vacationers between July and August.

On the billboard of mainline trains Montparnbade station, trains are announced more than three hours late.

Hundreds of travelers wait sitting on the stairs, around the station.

"We invite you to postpone your trip" Sounds in the hall of Montparnbade station. Travelers blowing with exasperation

Sarah Galauziaux, a 22-year-old student, is sitting on the floor against a photo booth. She was going on holiday with her parents in Quimper: "I'm drunk, it's not the first time that it happens to me Montparnbade station and more", she gets angry.

"I'm going home, and take the train tomorrow, luckily, I'm on vacation, I do not have an imperative", it tempers

Last year, already at the Gare Montparnbade, the traffic had been paralyzed that same weekend of crossover due to a signaling failure. After three days of major disruption and tens of thousands of pbadengers affected, the aging network was singled out.

In December 2017, in full Sunday afternoon, it is a computer bug on a switch station which had left thousands of travelers without transport to Montparnbade.

In May 2016, a double breakdown had strongly disrupted the traffic in this same station.

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