18:46 – The battle to confirm Trump's judge began in Washington


A major political battle began Tuesday in Washington to confirm before the Senate Conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh, appointed the day before by Donald Trump at the US Supreme Court.

This obstacle course will last several months in During which the magistrate of 53 years will have to avoid the slightest misstep likely to alienate him the precious support of an elected.

For the White House and the American right, there is not a day to lose: it is imperative to take advantage of the narrow Republican majority in the upper house of Congress, before the mid-term risky elections in November.

The Republicans currently have 51 seats, the Democrats 49, but the balance of power is actually 50 versus 49, Republican Senator John McCain fighting a terminal cancer.

If the process is completed, as Mr. Trump hopes, the Supreme Court will have a strong majority of five out of nine Conservative judges in the fall.

Appointed for life, Mr. Kavanaugh has the opportunity to give a conservative tone to the high court for a generation. And thus to rebadure Republicans durably on the topics that are dear to them, from religious beliefs to federal disengagement, from economic liberalism to the death penalty.

As for any political campaign in the United States, millions of dollars will be Unlocked in Support of Selected Candidate

Brett Kavanaugh, who spent most of his career in Washington, where he was an advisor to former Republican President George W. Bush, will also activate his networks.

website, confirmkavanaugh.com, was already operational on Tuesday to praise the judge's "impeccable" credentials.

– Committed Millions –

All heavyweights in the conservative galaxy will show their support for Mr. Kavanaugh at image of Mitch McConnell, Republican leader in the Senate, who hailed "one of the most eminent legal minds of his generation."

Democrat side, we will also spend without counting , including televised messages, to rally potential moderate Republicans and avoid losing Democrats worried about their re-election in rather Republican lands.

Two Republican Senators, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine , are seen as possible weak links because of their commitment to women's rights.

Democrats will portray Judge Kavanaugh as an opponent of the right to abortion who could bring the coup de grace to historic judgment Roe v. Wade, who in 1973 legalized IVG throughout the country

Questioned Tuesday before flying to Europe, Donald Trump badured not to have discussed with Mr. Kavanaugh the sensitive issue of abortion

Progressive organizations will also try to convince that the magistrate could finally bury the Obamacare law on universal health coverage.

"Brett Kavanaugh will endorse the extremist program of the right, conceived by corporations Billionaires, "denounced the Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders.

According to this elected to the social fiber, we should expect a decline in the areas of workers' rights, global warming, firearms, environmental protection or electoral rights.

Brett Kavanaugh, who as early as November 2017 knew he was considered to join the holy of holies of the American magistracy, had the time to prepare for the event that awaits him, the first phase of which will take place in the shadows and the second in full light.

– Past excavated –

For this first sequence, it will have to meet in as many individual interviews as possible senators, in order to woo them or rebadure them.

"To each senator, I am going to say that I revere the Constitution, and I believe that an independent judiciary is the jewel of a constitutional republic, "said the judge appointed.

Judge Kavanaugh will also have to complete a very long questionnaire detailing his income. , the clients he has defended, the interviews he has given, his travel destinations, his writings … The Federal Police will verify this information

During the second phase, that of the public hearings under the project Mr. Kavanaugh will have to justify each of his past decisions without being too clear about his beliefs that would force him to recuse himself from future cases before the Court.

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