19h13 – Demonstration at the French Consulate in Brussels for the release of Tariq Ramadan


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Thirty people from the Maghreb diaspora demonstrated, Tuesday at 17:00, in front of the Consulate General of France in Brussels, to denounce the treatment of the Swiss Islamologist Tariq Ramadan, in custody since last February following accusations of rape. The mobilized people have deployed a large poster and multiple posters carrying the message #FreeTariqRamadan. One delegation submitted a letter expressing outrage at the consulate. "For the accusations, it is justice to decide," said one of the protesters. "It is well known that Tariq Ramadan is not going to flee, despite this he is still in detention, many politicians have been involved in such cases and have not been detained pre-emptively." Since he was detained, he has lost 11 kilograms and has multiple sclerosis, just for which he deserves a little more consideration. " For a protester, who spoke in a megaphone, "France is lost today.I loses its identity.For me, France is freedom, equality and brotherhood. The protesters believe that equal treatment is undermined in this case. Several similar actions were organized in front of French embbadies in various countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Switzerland and Italy. They are coordinated by the coalition "Due Process / Equitable Procedure for Tariq Ramadan". The petition for his release has more than 153,000 signatories. The Islamologist, who challenges the accusations against him, was charged on February 2 for rapes, including one on vulnerable person, after the complaints of two women. He was not charged with a third complainant, with whom he acknowledged an extramarital affair. (Belga)

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