2018 World Cup: How long do Neymar roulades cost?


This is a statistic that will not help Neymar's reputation. If the player of PSG is twirling by his dribbles, dizzying by his accelerations and breathtaking by his "vista", he is nonetheless annoying by his attitude on a field. In question ? His propensity to roll – often mocked on social networks – and staying long on the ground. Certainly he is the player who has suffered the most mistakes since the start of the World Cup. But, according to RTS calculations, Neymar roulades would have lost almost fourteen minutes of play!

The French-speaking Swiss television has released its chronometer and calculated the time that the Brazilian center-forward pbades the nose on the lawn. In the eighth-finals match against Mexico (2-0), Neymar's foul play time is five minutes and thirty minutes! The most striking example came in the 71st minute when defender Layún wiped his crampons on the right ankle of the Parisian nugget (222 million euros). The gesture is obviously reprehensible. But the "show", lasting two minutes, can exasperate: the most expensive player in the world has then twisted pain on the ground, with a lot of cries like Actors Studio. Then the match resumed. And Neymar was frolicking again. Mexico coach Juan Carlos Osorio has been annoyed by this: "It's a shame for football", "it's a bad example for the world and all the kids watching", "it's a man's sport, there should not be so much comedy. "

Support of Rivaldo

The problem, notes the RTS, is that the additional time, which must compensate the time lost by the faults , changes or other match facts, does not compensate for this loss of actual play.

See also 2018 World Cup: the PSG World Cup!

Much criticized and mocked, Neymar, however, received the support of a heavyweight: the former Brazilian star Rivaldo. "Neymar, play as you have always done and do not pay attention to the comments of other countries, because many are already at home! "Launched the 2002 World Champion Rivaldo. "If you have to drift, do it. If you have to do a sombrero, do it. If you have to score a goal, mark it. And if you have to fall by the faults (of the adversaries), fall, and if you have to save time on the ground, do it too. Because everyone is doing the same thing, "added the 46-year-old Brazilian international, on his Instagram page. As a reminder, the former Barcelona was sanctioned in 2002 for having simulated a head injury while the ball had touched his stomach. Between actors …

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