20:21 – Realdolmen will disappear from the Brussels Stock Exchange after the takeover offer of French Gfi


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 in BRUXELLES (België)

The French company specializing in computer services, Gfi Informatique, holds 95.75% of the shares of Realdolmen at the end of its bid for friendly acquisition, said Friday night the two companies in a joint communiqué. Gfi Informatique is now launching a restart offer starting July 23rd and ending August 10th. The Belgian ICT company will then be released from the Brussels Stock Exchange. The buyer announced its intention on Realdolmen in February. He had issued a takeover offer at 37 euros per share, totaling 196 million euros. The offer was supported by the main shareholders of Realdolmen, the Colruyt family and QuaeroQ, which accounted for 21.94% of the shares. Now that nearly 96% of the shares are in the hands of Gfi, it is launching its takeover bid. The offer will be reopened for a period beginning on July 23 and ending on August 10, 2018. "All the shares that will not have been presented at the expiry of the reopened offer will be deemed to be transferred by right to Gfi Informatique ", says one. This transaction should enable Gfi Informatique to strengthen its position in Belgium and Luxembourg. The management and employees of Realdolmen will be kept. (Belga)

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