22:05 – Victim of a malaise, the co-director Ch. Gardier has found behind the scenes of the Francos


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Victim, during the night of Saturday to Sunday, of a cardiac discomfort following fatigue and stress, Charles Gardier, co-director of the Francofolies de Spa found the backstage of the Festival, Sunday at the beginning of evening, Belga found. Mr. Gardier was keen to attend the last concerts of this anniversary edition. He made his return during the performance of Coeur de Pirates on the stage Pierre Rapsat. In the afternoon, the co-director of the Francos had to rebadure his friends on Facebook stressing the professionalism and kindness of the teams of Oasis, who provide relief on the site, but also firefighters, nurses and emergency doctors of CHR Verviers where he was kept under observation until Sunday morning. Charles Gardier had returned to his home during the day leaving his team to manage the last day of the Festival. But he wanted to go backstage at the festival in the early evening. "The Francos went well during this year of great changes and even if everything was not perfect, it is very promising and with the advice of festival-goers we will succeed a dream festival in 2019. Besides Calogero, who loved to play in the Place de l'Hotel de Ville, told us that he preferred this new location, "he said on Facebook, as a record. (Belga)

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