22:15 – Pakistan: At least 12 dead in suicide attack on election rally (police)


At least 12 people, including an influential local politician, were killed on Tuesday night by suicide bombing of an election rally in Peshawar, northwestern Pakistan, police said.

The attack was perpetrated at a meeting of the Awami National Party, which has already been the target of reprisals by Islamist militants for demonstrating its opposition to groups like the Taliban.

Earlier, a military spokesman admitted that there were threats against the campaign for the legislative elections of July 25.

"According to the preliminary elements of the investigation, it was a suicide attack of which Haroon Bilour was the target, "Shafqat Malik, a police official, told AFP of one of the Awami National Party candidates in the elections.

Another senior police official Kaukab Farooqi confirmed that the candidate Haroon Bilour was killed in this attack.

Haroon Bilour belonged to an influential political family in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, of which Peshawar is the capital. His father Bashir Bilour, also a well-known politician, was killed in a suicide bombing in 2012.

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