23:32 – Gaza: Hamas says a ceasefire was reached after the biggest Israeli raids since 2014


Hamas said it had reached a ceasefire on Saturday night after the largest Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip since the devastating summer 2014 war in the Palestinian enclave.

Two Palestinians were killed in these strikes that came after the deadly clashes on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip and after a nightly confrontation with the Islamist movement Hamas, which continued to fire rockets and mortar shells on Israeli territory Saturday while Israel carried out air raids

Three Israeli civilians were wounded when a rocket fell on their house in the south of the country.

Egypt's mediation helped to reach a ceasefire, said a Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Barhoum in a statement. Questioned by AFP, an Israeli military spokesman declined to comment

The Israeli strike that killed two teenagers aged 15 and 16 on Saturday targeted a building in the west of Gaza City Hamas-led Palestinian enclave said the children were in the street at the bottom of the building, empty at the time of the raid, according to the source, which said Israeli raids on Saturday had also left at least 25 injured.

The Israeli army reported that this multi-storey building was used for military purposes by Hamas.

Saturday's air raids are the "offensive strikes the more important since (Operation) Protective Edge, "Israeli Air Force officer Tzvika Haimovic told reporters after the Israeli army's name in its summer 2014 offensive. in Gaza.

C Israel's war to stop rocket fire and destroy the tunnels dug out from the enclave had left more than 2,200 Palestinians dead, mostly civilians, and 74 mostly Israeli soldiers.

– "Hardest blow" –

The Israeli army has inflicted Hamas its "hardest blow" since the 2014 armed conflict, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video.

Air strikes ceased on Saturday evening and Israeli and Palestinian media reported rumors of a cease-fire via Egyptian mediation or the United Nations

Israeli raids, which began in the night from Friday to Saturday, in the aftermath of clashes on the border between Israel and the enclave, where two young Palestinians aged 15 and 20 were killed, one of them died Saturday from his injuries, and more than 200 wounded by Israeli forces. An Israeli soldier was also wounded.

Since 30 March, this border zone has been the scene of demonstrations against the strict Israeli blockade and for the "right of return" of Palestinians expelled from their lands or who fled to the creation from Israel in 1948.

At least 141 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli gunfire and more than 4,000 have been shot by wounds since the beginning of these demonstrations. No Israeli was killed.

The Israeli army, accused of excessive use of force, says it will be used as a last resort to protect its borders and accuses Hamas of using the protest movement to cover attacks and attacks. attempts to infiltrate.

– "Acts of Terror" –

The Israeli army had explained Saturday morning, after early night raids, that it had targeted Hamas targets and responded to "acts of terror". terror during the violent riots that took place (a few hours earlier) along the security fence "that separates Israeli territory from the Palestinian enclave.

" Hamas has exceeded the limit with its so-called + march of the return + which is in fact acts of violence, attacks on the security fence, rocket fire (…) and launching of incendiary balloons and kites, "said a military spokesman Saturday. , the lieutena Colonel Jonathan Conricus.

Almost simultaneously with Israeli nightly raids, some 30 rockets and mortar shells were fired at southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.

Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman, claimed responsibility for these attacks. in a statement that it was an "immediate response from the resistance" to the Israeli night raids.

In total, according to the Israeli army, a hundred rockets and shells mortars were fired Saturday from the enclave to Israel

Three Israelis were wounded by a rocket that fell on Saturday late afternoon on the roof of a house in Sderot (south), locality bordering the Gaza Strip, according to the Israeli emergency services.

Israel and Hamas have waged three wars since 2008 and have observed a cease-fire since the armed conflict of 2014.

End of May , Israeli forces and armed groups in Gaza had already experienced a severe confrontation. In particular, the Israeli army reportedly struck 65 Hamas military positions in the Palestinian enclave in retaliation for firing about 100 rockets and mortar shells at its territory.

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