26 devices stolen during California 30-second lightning


The scene was immortalized by surveillance cameras at the Apple Store in Fresno, California. In less than 30 seconds, four hooded men entered the shop and pulled out a total of 26 products in the demonstration area before leaving as quickly as they arrived.

The value of the prejudice is $ 27,000 according to Apple. The thieves focused their efforts on the iPhone, iPad and MacBook with higher market value. For some time, Apple no longer wants to attach its products with locks to allow more freedom to customers who come to test the devices in its shops.

Apple prefers to bet on a killswitch that renders inoperative the devices declared stolen, including Blacklisting Apple's servers to deny them connection to the Store, but sometimes the connection to any operator. The theft therefore aims above all the resale of spare parts or various scams on sale to the stolen equipment.

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