5 things to know before going to see Ant-Man and the Wasp in the movies


To get us from an Avengers: Infinity War to dramatic events, Marvel Studios offers a breath of fresh air with Ant-Man and Wasp, currently in theaters. The opportunity to do a little more knowledge with a superhero still a little too unknown to the general public …

For the rest of Infinity War, it will still have to wait

Those who wanted to know more about the fate of the Avengers after the devastating pbadage of Thanos in Infinity War will have to wait. Ant-Man and Wasp unfolds chronologically after the first Ant-Man and Captain America: Civil War. He therefore stages a Scott Lang who is still far from taking part in the war against Thanos. He must find the balance between his superhero life and his responsibilities as a father. It was then that a new mission was entrusted to him, during which he would have to team up with The Wasp.

A super heroine headlining

Better late than never. During its ten years of production, the MCU had not given so much importance to a super-heroine. Flying almost the star in Ant-Man, The Wasp (played by Evangeline Lilly) holds an important place here and forms a dynamic duo with the ant-man. Certainly, The Black Widow played by Scarlett Johansson and Gamora of the Guardians of the Galaxy have marked the spirits in the past, but none of them had a right to have his name appear in the title. A special treat for a character with incredible powers, who is none other than the daughter of Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer), who are at the origin of the powers of Ant-Man

A normal type with a family

Far from the universal or even intergalactic considerations of other superheroes, Ant-Man is more down-to-earth and has the central theme of the family (that of Scott Lang but also that of Pym-Van Dyne). Ant-Man is indeed an ordinary hero, who has no super powers apart from those of his costume and is neither a brilliant scientist nor a billionaire. He does not consider himself a real hero and, after indirectly endangering his daughter and spending some time in prison, he hesitates this time to leave aside the costume of Ant-Man to devote himself exclusively to his family

A film of breakage with a lot of humor

In a tone much less serious than Infinity War, Ant-Man and Wasp is an entertainment in the tradition of the first part proposing a lighter adventure, between police intrigue and comedy. The producers have also said that they were inspired by the novels of Elmore Leonard to imagine the different enemies that faces Scott Lang. The writings of this novelist have notably inspired Steven Soderbergh's out of reach and Quentin Tarantino's Jackie Brown.

An invisible super-villain

But Ant-Man and the Wasp must also of course here face an opponent extraordinary powers. This is Ghost, a mysterious character who can make herself invisible and cross the walls thanks to her white cybernetic combination that makes her look like a ghost. A super-villain played by Hannah John-Kamen (seen in Tomb Raider and Ready Player One) who is neither really nice nor fundamentally naughty.

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