5:35 pm – Five deaths in an apartment in Pau: a family dispute turns to massacre


A family dispute turns into a mbadacre: the bodies of four adults and a child, members of the same family, were found Tuesday morning by firefighters in an apartment in Pau, the mother of the child bound and gagged, and the father the slashed veins.

It is the firefighters, called around 06H40 for fumes that emanated from an apartment located on the first floor of a four-storey residence in the city center of Pau, which made the macabre discovery.

When they entered the apartment, "a couch was burning". They discovered the lifeless bodies of the family: a mother of 36 years and her parents who were going to celebrate their 66th birthday, all three of Spanish nationality, the husband, a Moroccan aged 32, and the son of the young couple, born in Pau about two years ago

"The drama took place inside (the apartment), there are traces of violence on one couple and the wife on the other. to think that we are on the trail of a family drama ", summarized for AFP a source close to the investigation.

"The young woman was found tied up and gagged with adhesive around her neck" in the bathtub, where there was water, although it was not established that she was dead by drowning, said this source.

His parents, who came from Zaragoza (north-east of Spain) to visit their daughter, were found "in a room with traces of violence by blunt objects on the body "she added.

As for the husband, he "would have slashed his veins" after committing these murders, according to the first hypotheses.

According to the same source, there is "no trace of apparent violence on the 'child, who would have died as a result of the fire', probably intoxicated by fumes.

– "A separation that went wrong" –

The five bodies were transported to the Forensic Institute of Toulouse where they should be autopsied in the coming days.

Neighbors surveyed by the daily Sud Ouest claimed that "the disputes were frequent within the couple". According to a colleague of the wife, who was a Spanish teacher, she had recently lodged a complaint of violence against her husband.

"There had been police interventions in this family in connection with a separation that was going badly" , confirmed to AFP a source close to the investigation, without further details.

The husband, whose profession was unknown on Tuesday, had no criminal record.

Firefighters had been alerted to dawn by a person "who could not open the door of the apartment" and "worried because she saw blood running down the edge of one of the windows of the apartment," they said. 19659002] "I saw the filaments of blood running down the street," told AFP a neighbor evacuated at dawn with twenty other residents of the building.

According to this woman, "a big fight broke out at 5:00 am, I heard cries of child".

Once there, the twenty or so firefighters dispatched "quickly mastered" the fire.

"As a result of a fire, someone would have set a sofa on fire, neighbors seeing smoke this morning have alerted firefighters, it seems that there was a family dispute that turned to mbadacre" , summarized Jean-Paul Brin, first deputy mayor of Pau.

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