6:31 am – Commitments over age 45 increase, but youth remain more popular


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 in BRUSSELS (Belgium)

Last year, for the first time, the number of commitments of workers over 45 years exceeded those of under 25 years, reports the human resources specialist Acerta Tuesday. The comparison is mainly due to the decline of about 25% of positions filled by those under 25, who remain in school longer than before.In 2017, the proportion of over 45 years accounted for 20.76 % of commitments against 20.36% for those under 25 years. More than a change in the rate of engagement of the former, Acerta notes above all a drop in the proportion of vacancies filled by the latter, 25.23% since 2011. "Different factors explain the pbadage of youth commitments to those of older people, "confirms Muriel Lefebvre, consultant at Acerta. "On the one hand, they are currently more available on the job market, by choice or not." A job market where young people, they, are more rare "because they study longer". Still, in large companies, this category still represents 29% of new commitments. A not surprising finding, according to Muriel Lefebvre, who recalls that these companies "are better equipped to welcome these young people at the dawn of their careers," in particular by offering growth opportunities, facilities and higher wages. In addition, "older workers who decide to change jobs tend to work on a smaller scale". But even though older applicants are more likely today than before to find a job, "it is still young people between the ages of 25 and 35 who make up the age group with the highest proportion of commitments. ", says Acerta again. Together, last year they accounted for 36.75% of total hirings under permanent contracts. And this predominance is confirmed in all segments: merchant, non-merchant, workers, employees, men and women. To make its conclusions, Acerta relies on the actual data of workers in service with more than 40,000 employers from both SMEs and large companies. (Belga)

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