6:37 – Sun and cloudy fields in the sky this Sunday


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 in BRUSSELS (Belgium)

Sunday will be sunny, but cloudy fields, according to forecasts by the Royal Meteorological Institute (MRI). The maxima will reach 21 degrees in high Belgium, 23 degrees at the coast and 27 degrees in the interior of the country. The wind will be a light breeze and Northeast at then moderate. During the night a wide spate will alternate with a cloudy periods. The night will be calm with a weak north wind and a minimum of 10 to 17 degrees. On Monday, the day will begin under the sun, then cloudy fields will arrive from the north. The weather will remain dry. The maxima will be between 20 degrees at sea as well as in Hautes-Fagnes and 26 or 27 degrees in the center of the country, under a moderate north wind. (Belga)

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