9:50 pm – Ryan Lochte accepts his suspension and announces that he will come back


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American swimmer Ryan Lochte accepts the 14-month suspension imposed by the anti-doping agency, USADA, because of a prohibited intravenous infusion. "I did not take anything illegal, everything was legal, you can buy it at CVS or Walgreens (two supermarket chains and American pharmacies, ed) but there are rules and you have to comply with them", regretted Lochte at a press conference Monday.The six-time Olympic champion, 33, has itself attracted the attention of the agency by posting on May 24 on social networks a photo of him full infusion. "The USADA investigation, to which Lochte fully cooperated, revealed that Lochte received an intravenous infusion of authorized substances," the agency explained, adding that the method used was contrary to the current regulation, namely that the man with twelve Olympic medals received a superior intravenous infusion (more than 100 mL in 12 hours) to the authorized one, unless hospitalized or exempted. The decision is retroactive to May 24. The swimmer is therefore suspended until July 2019 and will miss the World Championships held in South Korea next year. Lochte also said he still plans to train to compete at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. "I'm not giving up, I'm going to continue," said the swimmer. Lochte had already been suspended for 10 months in the case of the false robbery during the Rio de Janeiro Games in 2016. "I became a better man after Rio and I had started training again. My son was born, everything was perfect and then there was that, it's terrible. " (Belga)

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