Nantes: Philippe strongly condemns the violence and promises "the greatest transparency" in the investigation


 Nantes: Philippe strongly condemns the violence and promises "the =" "more =" "great =" "transparency =" "in =" "l =" "title =" Nantes: Philippe strongly condemns the violence and promises " />

<p> Prime Minister Edouard Philippe alongside the mayor of Nantes Johanna Rolland (right) before the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique on July 5, 2018 in NantesDamien MEYER </p>
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Edouard Philippe strongly condemned Thursday the violence that shook several neighborhoods in Nantes after the death of a young man killed by a police officer, and promised "the greatest transparency on the circumstances" of this death, at the end of the current investigation.

"I express my condemnation the strongest on these acts and this violence, "said the Prime Minister in an address to the mayor of Nantes, stating that 19 arrests had taken place" last night "and that 11 police custody were" in course ".

"To destroy public facilities, to attack law enforcement agencies, to destroy private facilities, is first of all to obscure the prospects of the inhabitants of these neighborhoods and to hinder the development of these neighborhoods", he insisted.

"We will obviously be demanding (…) so that all the light is made in the greatest transparency on the circumstances" in which the young man of 22 years died at the end of Police control, he added.

While vehicles were again burned in the so-called "sensitive" neighborhoods of Breil, Bellevue, Dervallières and Malakoff, the Prime Minister brought his " the strongest support for all the police, firefighters and doctors who have intervened sometimes in very difficult conditions. "

" We will continue to adapt the level of forces present to ensure the respect of This level of force will increase if the circumstances so require. "

Alongside him, the mayor (PS) of Nantes Johanna Rolland also spoke of the requirement of" transparency "on the inquiry.

Extra reinforcements "in a hurry" are a "positive news", "but in the long run, the question is what means are given to the investigative police" to fight against "the trafficking of arms, the great delinquency" Ms. Rolland pointed to a "structural" question.

"There needs to be some form of trust between the state, the institutions and the youth of this country," she said.

"We can condemn in the strongest manner any degradation, any violence", but the inhabitants of the neighborhoods say "their determination to be heard in the following substantive discussions that must be asked", she said argues in addressing Mr. Philippe.

"For the future, we should work even more together to ensure that it is a confident future that we build in the neighborhoods," replied in echo the Prime Minister.

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