a vision helmet to enjoy a giant screen


 Nintendo Switch: a vision headset announced to take advantage of a giant screen

Nintendo is pleased to offer many optional accessories for its own console – we think in particular of the Pokéball GameCube or joystick – the trend builders is also designing new objects that fully reflect current trends. Among these, headsets virtual reality: Thanko has just announced the marketing of Eye Theather, an item entirely devoted to the cinematic effect provided by this type of tool. Understand that no VR is expected, of course: it is just a video headset at the resolution of 1280×800 pixels, based on the same ergonomics as the PlayStation VR or other Occulus Rift, but offering the effect of a real movie screen. To give you an idea: the result is based on an image of 305 centimeters diagonal, or 120 inches. The whole will be connected by cable and sold at a price of 22 780 ¥ ( 176.15 €). Ideal to dive effectively in some universes, even if some will be reluctant to the concept since completely bridling the hybrid system of the console.

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