17h05 – Strike SNCF Saturday: eight TGV and TER out of ten, seven Intercity out of ten (direction)


Eight TGV and TER out of ten, seven Intercity trains out of ten, as well as three Transilien trains out of four will circulate on average Saturday, day of great departures on vacation and strike on the call of the CGT and SUD, announced Friday the direction of the SNCF.

The international train traffic will be "normal" for Eurostar, Thalys and France-Spain link, "almost normal" for the France-Germany link, according to the forecasts of the direction. There will be six Lyria trains out of ten, while two trains out of three are planned for the France-Italy route.

With a few more trains Intercités and Lyria Saturday, these traffic forecasts are slightly improved compared to those announced for Friday, the first day of the strike led by the two unions against the railway reform.

"The traffic will be normal Sunday," said the direction in a statement.

"More than 600 TGV will circulate" Saturday "with Nearly 100% of guaranteed trains for tourist destinations such as Paris-Marseille, Paris-Nice, Paris-Montpellier, Paris-Perpignan, Paris-Bordeaux, Paris-Rennes ", recalls the group. "All our travelers with reservations were re-contacted these last days by SMS or email The tickets remain refundable and exchangeable without additional cost," he adds.

In the detail for the TGV, the SNCF provides a "quasi traffic" normal "on the Atlantic axis, nine trains out of ten for the South-East axis, eight trains out of ten for the East axis, three out of four trains on the North axis, as well as eight out of ten Ouigo trains. [19659002OnFridayitwasasignalingfailurethatcausedmajortraindelaysbetweentheGareduNordinParisthenorthofFrancetheBeneluxandEnglandsaidtheSNCFwhichplansareturntothenormalprogressivelybythebeginningoftheevening

The problem was solved around 13:00, but the trains still showed delays in the middle of the afternoon ranging from 40 minutes to 2:30, said a spokesman. the words of SNCF, adding that the delays concerned mainly Thalys and Eurostar.

Concernan In the strike, the CGT announced on Friday morning that it was planning a new strike on Thursday, July 19, the day of the "first meeting with the employers" to negotiate the national collective agreement of the railway branch. There will be other dates in August and "probably" in September, said CNews Laurent Brun, general secretary of CGT Cheminots.

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