HTC sales are in free fall: 1500 employees at the door


The Taiwanese mobile manufacturer is in a very bad patch, financial difficulties accumulate year after year. As a result of this disastrous situation: the manufacturer is forced to fire 1,500 people

HTC smartphone sales are in free fall: the company recorded a decline of 68% for the month of June, the largest in two years. The monthly turnover of the brand is $ 72 million, which is three times less than in 2017, when June saw $ 226 million in sales.

This significant drop forced the brand to make a serious decision: the manufacturer announced a few days ago the layoff of 1500 people in its factory in Taiwan, which represents a quarter of the total workforce of HTC.

Lack of innovation in smartphones

However, the brand ended May U12 + on the market, a high-end smartphone very powerful. Unfortunately for HTC, it does not meet the expected success. The same is true for badysts for smartphones in the entry and mid-range. The smartphones proposed by the brand are struggling to stand out, consumers are turning to other brands such as Samsung. Analysts are working on an estimated production volume of 2 million units for this year

This lack of innovation, HTC may be due to the brain drain to Google. The latter partially bought the Taiwanese firm at the beginning of the year, taking over the Pixel range for $ 1.1 billion. A return of money that is not enough, however, to bring HTC's head out of the water.

This significant restructuring may be the end of HTC's mobile business, and indicates the desire of society to focus on other activities to his credit: the development of VR, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

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