When Le Pen wanted to convince Macron and Philippe


The President of the National Gathering had raised her financial problems with the President and the Prime Minister.

That day, she leaves the Elysée delighted. On November 22, 2017, Marine Le Pen is received by Emmanuel Macron, officially to discuss the reform of the European voting system. The president comes out the big game, courteous or complicit when recalling memories of the presidential campaign that saw them compete in the second round. "He was charming and even escorted me to the front steps," she says at the exit.

The president of the FN took advantage of the meeting to discuss with the head of state two sensitive topics that are now at the heart of the news: the fate of the MEPs of the National Front (now National Rally) ) caught up with justice ("Everyone rejoices because it is us, but you should pay attention to the attitude of the European Parliament," she says to the president) and public funding. Candidate Macron promised a democracy bank during his election campaign, but its realization is problematic. "It's difficult to create a bank sui generi, but we will try to create a system with the Postal Bank," says Emmanuel Macron.

The following week, Marine Le Pen is in the office of Edouard Philippe. Here again, the European elections are on the menu. Again, she raises the issue of funding. She even asks for a specific meeting with the Prime Minister to talk about it. She won her case: on December 19, as revealed by L'Express, she was again received at Matignon. She is accompanied by Wallerand de Saint Just, treasurer of the FN.

So it's been months since the far-right party tried to muscle it financially, because it knows the threat to it. Marine Le Pen she thought to win the case and convince his interlocutors at the top of the state? Now that judges have withheld 2 million euros in public aid from the National Assembly for allegedly fictitious FN deputies, Marine Le Pen cries out for "political badbadination".

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