The Crew 2: becoming the ultimate driver?


Video games

The sequel to Ubisoft's famous car simulation game is in the bins with a new formula to satisfy all appetites: from racing cars to motorcycles, planes and boats. In short the total freedom for the player, in the heart once again of the United States, reproduced almost faithfully. Successful bet for developers, Ivory Tower? The answer in our test of the game!

The Crew 2 is therefore a racing game. At the base reserved for racing cars, this new opus allows players to be in command of ultra-powerful cars, aerobatic aircraft, racing boats or even motocross. Four categories of vehicles for a multitude of activities such as street racing, rally, powerboat, aerobatics or motocross races. These activities are arranged in three "sectors": the street which brings together the more underground races the offroad which brings together off-road events and the freestyle presenting the most spectacular activities. Finally, the Live Xtrem Series episodes bring together different categories of vehicles via the instantaneous vehicle change system, a great success of this second opus as it allows to move, with great fluidity, from a car to a boat or plane by example.

As its name indicates, all the interest of the game is to ride with his friends, gathered in a team, a "crew". So we end up on a gigantic map, representing a simplified version of the United States, where it is possible to cross everything to join the East and West coasts, meeting various players and crews. First regret: we cross few people, as if the server was empty. The experience "multiplayer" becomes limited, especially since it is not possible to perform races against real opponents but only with the members of his team. We find ourselves very quickly faced with a series of team activities.

The activities are countless. And this is one of the highlights of this album, which will offer many hours to players eager for challenges, especially as the AI ​​is particularly full-bodied and will lead the hard life to pilots, forcing them to use all their techniques to finish the tests in mind. An artificial intelligence sometimes even too strong, to the point of becoming unrealistic, especially when it manages to plug a gap of 15 seconds in a few hundred meters. We would have liked the AI ​​to keep its technical aggression without becoming abusively strong.

Technically, The Crew 2 leaves us a mixed opinion. If the cities are rather well reproduced, the whole map is finally rather empty and uninteresting because not even housing activities. By dint of traveling many kilometers without interest, we will quickly have to prefer the fast movement between two events. Graphically, the game is defending without putting the mirrors, Ubisoft having probably favored the performance (almost no slowdown to report) to the quality of the sets. Special mention all the same to the vehicles, well reproduced.

Overall, The Crew 2 is a good open world racing game. Offering a rather crazy content, both in terms of activities and in terms of playable vehicles, the game is based in particular on world rankings to tempt players to try again and again to achieve a better time. This is the only multiplayer aspect of the game that relies on a team system but does not make them face each other directly on events: a disappointment. Finally, we will remember that to offer a multitude of motorsports, Ubisoft faces a major problem: a multitude of competitors. And unfortunately for the French publisher, these competitors give us more sensations flying, handlebar or handle in hand. In short, a good condensed explosive that leaves us a little on our hunger.


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