the government withdraws Nyssen the regulation of publishing


Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has withdrawn from the world of publishing, the Minister of Culture Françoise Nyssen, the economic regulation of this sector, according to a decree published Tuesday in the Official Journal.

The Minister of Culture is deprived of its attributions concerning "the supervision of the National Book Center" and "the economic regulation of the literary publishing sector", and must not intervene in any file involving "society + Actes Sud +", of which it is the former employer, indicates the text of this decree.

These attributions are henceforth "exerted by the Prime Minister", he adds.

These decisions were taken "on the proposal of the minister of Culture, "says the decree.

The decree was" taken pursuant to Article 2-1 of Decree No. 59-178 of 22 January 1959 on the powers of ministers, "says the text. 19659002] In this decree, it is specified that "the Ministry who considers that he is in a situation of conflict of interest shall inform the Prime Minister in writing (…). A decree determines, consequently, the powers that the Prime Minister exercises in place of the minister concerned. "

Named Minister of Culture in May 2017, Françoise Nyssen, 67, who made Actes Sud one the flagship of the French edition, directed from the beginning of the 80s this publishing house, founded in Arles in 1978 by his father Hubert Nyssen (1925-2011).

Over the years, Actes Sud is has become one of the largest French publishers composed of a galaxy of publishers (Payot & Rivages, Rouergue, Jacqueline Chambon, Sindbad …).

Actes Sud is the publisher of three Prix Goncourt (Laurent Gaudé, Jérôme Ferrari and Mathias Enard) and two Nobel Prize winners (Imre Kertész and Svetlana Alexievitch).

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