Belgian prison officials have been on strike for several weeks against the introduction of a minimum service in case of protracted social conflict.
BELGAIMAGE [19659004FortydetaineeshavebeenrefusingfornearlyanhourtoreturntotheircellafterawalkinGhent'sNieuweWandelingprisonlocalpolicesaidTuesdayItisinchargeofthesurveillanceoftheprisonersduringthestrikeoftheprisonofficers
The police forces were widely deployed in and around the Nieuwe Wandeling prison. Nieuwewandeling Street was closed to traffic and a security perimeter was set up around the building.
Calm is back after an hour, said Matto Langeraert, spokesman for the Ghent local police. [19659006] "The director of the prison first tried to play the mediators, without success. The detainees were protesting because of the protesters' protracted strike. The police went there and the prisoners finally returned to their cell without incident. "
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