a little too late for Harrison Ford?


Disney shifted by one year the release of the fifth installment of the famous archaeologist's adventures, originally scheduled for July 2020. The sacred monster of American cinema, historical hero of the saga of Steven Spielberg, will then be 79 years old. [19659002] The announcement of the release, already ten years ago, of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull suggested that the most famous archaeologist of the cinema was coming back for many new adventures . Professor Jones' last bad, however, had divided the critics and particularly disappointed his fans.

Since then, the fifth Indiana Jones continues to be rejected. Disney who bought the rights of the saga, has just announced a final postponement. Episode 5 should be released in July 2021. It will be necessary to wait another three years before seeing the archaeologist wearing his hat. But will its historical interpreter, who will then have 79 spring, be able to compete with his terrible adversaries?

"READ ALSO – Harrison Ford:" Indiana Jones never lets go " [19659003ThecostumeisheavytowearEspeciallyforanactorastalentedasheiswhoflirtswiththeeightyyearsWaterfallschasesfightsIndianaJones'singingaccustomedustospectacularactionscenesonthefunmusicalthemeofJohnWilliamsYetHarrisonFordshouldbewellrepackedNoinformationwasunveiledbyDisneywhocouldasinthesaga Star Wars, seek to capitalize as much as possible on the charisma of his sacred monster. In addition to the clbadic franchise, some spin-off could emerge as some rumors claim.

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The total mystery also reigns over the script of the fifth feature film, which should begin shooting in the best case in April 2019. Forty years later Adventurers of the lost ark Expectations around the evolution of the most famous movie adventurer are greater than ever.

The Disney logic would suggest that Indiana Jones 5 will allow Harrison Ford to pbad the baton to a younger actor. Chris Pratt, the guardian of the galaxy Star lord Marvel movies had a time been considered for a reboot. Whatever happens, his successor must have strong shoulders, speak Toltec and have a big boost.
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