Julie Chapon created Yuka, an app that identifies foods that are good for the health of consumers.
It's more than ever difficult to know what's behind food labels we buy. For Julie, the creator of the application Yuka, it was necessary to make all this more intelligible. This free app aims to help consumers better understand what they are buying to choose healthier products.
How does it work?
The operation of the app is quite simple. When shopping with merchants, simply swipe the scan reader in front of the product's barcode. Instantly, a simple color code that goes from green to red will allow you to know the impact of the product on your body.
Three criteria are taken into account: firstly the nutritional quality of food, which represents 60% of the rating, second, the presence or absence of additives in the scanned product, and finally the biological dimension of the product, which according to Julie "will give a bonus to the product."
Yuka being a participatory application, it has since its creation indexed 250,000 products thanks to its users. Basically, when a product is still unknown to the platform, the user can inform directly. The application currently has 4.5 million users in France.
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