The cinema is already seizing the incredible rescue of children in the cave in Thailand



It's a fact, American producers are always on the lookout for good stories to turn into movies. The proof again with the misadventure of the twelve small Thai footballers aged 11 to 16 and their coach, stuck for 17 days in a vast complex of guts located one kilometer underground, not far from the border with Burma and Laos

Their rescue, which kept the whole world in suspense, is already being negotiated to be adapted to the big screen. American producers Michael Scott and Adam Smith were both in Thailand in the early days of this extraordinary adventure. They closely followed the preparations for the rescue operation which brought the teenagers and their escorts back safely Tuesday.

Discussions with the authorities of the country have already taken place, to make sure to stick to the reality of the facts, indicates Le Figaro which also announces the budget envisaged for the shooting: from 30 to 60 million dollars. As for the scenario, it would be based on the two British divers who found the group lost 4 kilometers from the entrance to the cave, 9 days after his death.

"We believe that we will be able to tell this story in a respectful manner because of the advantages we have: we were there, we have a connection to this place, and contacts, told Michael Scott in the magazine The Wrap . Our main concern was with the boys, but with the progress of the rescue, we started to say: Wow, it's going to be an incredible story. "


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