Caitlyn Jenner, 68, soon remarried with her 22-year-old transgender girlfriend?


NEW LIFE – Transgender Icon, Caitlyn Jenner has found love with 22-year-old Sophia Hutchins. On social networks, the latter suggests that marriage is on track.

– Jerome Vermelin

He is a key figure in the Kardashian galaxy. In April 2015, after several months of rumors, former American athlete Bruce Jenner, father-in-law of reality star Kim Kardashian, announced on ABC that he considers himself a transgender woman for several years. And that he has begun the necessary treatment for a surgical operation that will take place in January 2017. A transformation that he will tell in a biography to success, "The Secrets of my life", including his three marriages with Chrystie , Linda and Kris.

According to the American media, the transgender icon, now 68, is about to marry a fourth time. Her chosen one is Sophia Hutchins, a 22-year-old transgender student whose life she has shared for several months. And with which she would have already settled in Los Angeles, regularly showing their daily life on social networks. It is also in an Instagram story, published Wednesday, July 11, that it has responded to rumors.

"I'll show you the ring when it will," answered Sophie Hutchins at one of her subscribers who wanted to know if she was engaged. When another surfer will insist on whether she intends to marry Caitlyn Jenner, the young woman will just publish two emojis married women, without further comment … A few hours later, the couple will be spotted by the paparazzi at the exit from the famous Japanese restaurant Nobu in Malibu

This marriage, if confirmed, would allow Caitlyn Jenner to definitely turn the page with her past. Since its transformation, it ensures indeed no longer have any connection with the Kardashian clan. "They do not want me in their life, they have seriously abused me," she explained last September at a conference at the University of Cambridge. "At one point, I even thought about suicide, I was at the bottom, but I thought I did not want to silence my voice."

Intimate difficulties added misunderstanding of the LGBT community when it announced its intention to vote for Donald Trump in 2016. And even though it opposed the US President's decision to ban transgender soldiers from the army, one of her parents explained in an article published last May by the magazine "Heat" that she had "lost the support of those who had helped her when she quarreled with her family." Today, Sophia is the only person she can count on, and she sees herself spending the rest of her life with her. "

Jérôme Vermelin

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