financial boost for RCC workers


Carrefour is willing to provide additional financial means for its workers to leave the company benefiting from the unemployment scheme with complementary business (RCC, formerly pre-retirement), said Monday the Federal Minister of Employment Kris Peeters (CD & V). Beyond the 2,500 euros foreseen in the restructuring plan for the outplacement of the workers leaving for the pre-pension, it is now also a question of a maximum amount of 500 euros if they engage in a formation for a trade in short supply, said Monday morning the minister, interviewed by Radio 1 (VRT), during the broadcast " De Ochtend ".

In the restructuring plan on which management and trade unions Carrefour agreed, it was about allowing some 600 workers to benefit from an unemployment scheme with additional business (previously the pre-pension). Kris Peeters announced last week that he would sit around the table with the management to do something more in favor of activation.

During the broadcast " De Ochtend ]the Minister explained that the supermarket chain was now prepared to provide an additional premium for the beneficiaries of the unemployment scheme with additional business who would accept training for a trade in shortage.

soon to know if Minister Peeters supports the restructuring plan. Wallonia and Brussels have already agreed, unlike the Flemish Minister of Employment, Philippe Muyters (N-VA). Kris Peeters is waiting for two opinions before deciding: a legal opinion and another from a federal committee that will meet later in the day.

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