Instapaper regains independence from Pinterest


Instapaper was independent before being bought by Pinterest two years ago. Since then, both services have been integrated. Today, the former regains its independence.

You may recall the Instapaper bookmark service. It had been bought by Pinterest two years ago. Today, the company announces that it is once again becoming independent and has signed an agreement with Pinterest to transfer the ownership of Instapaper to a new company called Instant Paper, Inc.

Instapaper separates from Pinterest

Official communiqué also mentions that this new company belongs and is directed by the same people as those who had been operating since the first sale to betaworks by Marco Arment. It was in 2013. The transfer of ownership will be effective after a period of 21 days, enough to properly inform the users of the change of hands, and the respect of their personal data despite this.

Brand service -page online is widely used by its users as an application to save and read later such article or web page, including offline, on their smartphone, tablet, reading or other.

Independence found but nothing does not change for the user

In any case, the team emphasizes that nothing will change for users despite this change of ownership. The service itself continues to be maintained by the same people who have been working on Instagram for the past five years. " We intend to offer a robust service that focuses on readers and the reading experience ," said the press release.

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