00h45 – Italy: Salvini files a complaint against Roberto Saviano


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 in Rome (1965) Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the extreme right, announced on Thursday night that he had filed a complaint for defamation against the anti-mafia writer Roberto Saviano, his most virulent criticism. The tension is strong between the two men, especially since the new minister has threatened to suspend the police protection that the writer enjoys since the death threats made by a clique of the Camorra, the Neapolitan mafia, after the publication of "Gomorra" in 2006. "I have lodged a complaint against Salvini, as promised, I accept all the criticisms, but I do not allow anyone to say that I helped the mafia, a shit I fight all my forces, or that I welcome the death of a child.Too much is too much, kisses, "wrote Salvini on Twitter in the evening. "Robertino, it's over time," said Luca Morisi, Salvini's chief of Internet communication. "The Minister of Mala Vita (bad life, one of the nicknames of the mafia) has decided to make a complaint … I will not stop at a power that is afraid of critical voices. In court, Salvini will be called to tell the truth, a new experience for him, "responded Mr. Saviano. While the political opposition to the populist government in place since June seems silenced – the Democratic Party (center left) by its internal quarrels, the clbadic right by its alliance with the Salvini League and the left by its rout election -, Mr. Saviano has become a reference for critics of the new Minister of the Interior. In the media and on social networks, the writer protests against the harsh migratory policy of Mr. Salvini, and opposes it to a lack of eagerness of the League to repay its legal debts or to reject certain doubtful supports in the south. But the tweet that seems to have made Mr. Salvini react on Tuesday, after the discovery of a woman and a child died at sea. "What pleasure does it give you to see innocent children die at sea? Matteo Salvini, Minister of Mala Vita, the hatred that you have sown will overthrow you, "Saviano said in a picture barely blurred with corpses. (Belga)

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