The video lasts 2'14. CRS face protesters in the midst of broken glbad, insults and tear when a man wearing a visor helmet, dressed in civilian clothes, is attacking demonstrators violently. Alexandre Benalla, adviser at the Elysée and supposed to be only an observer on this device.
"We say we are witnessing an umpteenth scene of police violence (…) For us it was a member of the BAC who did not do very well his work, which was not very pro ", testifies to the AFP, Jérémie Ferrer-Bartomeu, researcher in history in Nanterre and demonstrating this May 1st on the place of the Contrescarpe (5th arrondissement of Paris). The scene in question was filmed by an ex-candidate France Insubject to the 2017 elections in Isère.
On the video, CRS in uniform intervene in front of protesters. The situation is tense. A man identified a posteriori as Alexander Benalla, helmet visor police on the head, hooded gray sweatshirt, black coat, first appears in the image to extract a young woman from a scrum between police and protesters. He holds it very firmly by the neck. The face of the young woman expresses a grin of pain.
The man leaves the field of the video then the attention of the videographer focuses on the muscular arrest of another protester dragged down by CRS and a man in civilian clothes. The latter is Vincent Crase, a reserve policeman at the time, an employee of LREM, acquainted with Alexandre Benalla and present there as he is as an observer.
The demonstrator clings to Vincent Crase's feet who asks him to to release him, pretends to give him a slap then speaks to him: "Listen to me!"
The demonstrator on the ground seems to comply when Alexander Benalla darts from behind to seize him by the neck and to take him without bluntly. For no apparent reason, he strikes him in the chest and on the head. "Oh stop!" shouted a witness of the scene. Mr. Benalla hands the protester to the ground and remains alone with him
Witnesses come up to Alexander Benalla. "You beat him!", They tell him. The videographer: "Look at his head, beat him to the ground." Mr. Benalla turns his head, visor down, towards the goal before going away alone to a cafe.
"We witnessed a very painful scene, a kind of public humiliation of two people who did not look like black blocks at all ", summarizes Mr. Ferrer-Bartomeu.
" It is not uncommon for the police headquarters to receive for short periods of time persons outside the police for operations law enforcement (journalists, researchers, trainees …) These people are equipped with the following equipment to ensure their protection: helmet, bulletproof vest … They must be confined to an observer role ", explains it on the side of the PP.
Because police side, the scene and the identity of the man implicated shock. A policeman chokes out, "What was he doing there, why is he interfering with policing when it's forbidden?" What was his referent doing? "
unions are in unison: this "false policeman fizzes and throws stigma on the security forces," denounced Alliance deplores "two-speed sanctions." The police "do not need this kind of bad publicity" and "often suffer infinitely heavier penalties for facts infinitely less serious," added Unsa-Police.
Alexandre Benalla and Vincent Crase "n 'had no legitimacy to intervene,' thundered Gerard Collomb who seized the police of the police.
The police union Vigi filed a complaint Thursday against Alexander Benalla for "usurpation of function" and "usurpation of signs reserved to the public authority," according to his lawyer Ybadine Bouzrou.
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