Donald Trump furious after the giant fine imposed on Google


The President of the United States, as usual, spoke on Twitter to comment on the decision of the European Union.

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( – The US president has again spoken on Twitter, this time to attack the European Union. He commented on the heavy financial penalty imposed by the European Commission on Google for abuse of dominant position.

The war with Europe is declared?

Donald Trump has decidedly more and more disputes with Europe . Its decisions regularly go against the interests of the old continent, which is nevertheless a historic partner of the United States. On Thursday, he again attacked the EU, which imposed a fine of 4.34 billion euros on Google and its operating system Android.

I so! The European Union Billion Dollar companies, Google. They U.S., long! – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump), via Twitter

"I told you so," commented Donald Trump. "The European Union has just fined five billion dollars to one of our big companies, Google, they are really taking advantage of the United States, but it will not last long!" No wonder when you know that the week before, on an American television channel, he described Europe as an enemy of the US

More and more lonely

The President American has tended to move closer to countries whose United States had been distant for a few years, or even since forever. Thus, Donald Trump met with North Korean President Kim Jong, in early June. He also participated in a summit in Helsinki with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Two meetings that, according to him, have brought much to his country.

In the meantime, the tenant of the White House is defending his companies, but they do not necessarily make him the best way. For example, Google has not yet managed to change its algorithm. The latter automatically brings out photos of Donald Trump when we type the word "idiot".

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