Lighten clouds and other innovative ideas to repair the Great Barrier Reef


In January, Canberra called on researchers around the world to save the Great Barrier Reef. Helpless in the face of its degradation, Australia released two million dollars (about 155 million CFP) to finance innovative ideas that could save it.

Bleaching episodes

The immense reef, which is the size of Japan or Italy, suffered in 2016 and 2017 two serious bleaching episodes. At issue: increases in the temperature of the water. Experts estimate that an area of ​​2,300 kilometers long could have suffered irreparable damage. The Australian government has pledged to fight climate change in general. But also to study shorter-term measures to give some respite to the largest coral ensemble in the world. It is also threatened by industrial and agricultural activities, as well as by the purple acanthaster, an invasive starfish, devouring corals.