Fort Boyard (France 2) – Ariane Brodier: "In the first race, I dismissed the pelvis!"


This is the fourth time that you have participated in Fort Boyard as a candidate. What do you like so much?

Ariane Brodier: Everything! I am a fanatic of Fort Boyard. I do not get tired, not only because I like the sporty and adventurous side of the game, but, in addition, we defend badociations, and I like to join the useful to the pleasant. Last year, I was frustrated at having to decline the invitation, but I was pregnant.

You also played Ariane, the Spartan, one of the characters who challenged the candidates …

Yes, I were members of the Red Guard (embodied by Delphine Wespiser, editor's note). It only lasted one season, but it was great to be part of this band. Fort Boyard is a great adventure in which we meet great people. Moreover, Noémie Lenoir is currently spending her weekend at home, and it is precisely on the game that we met.

And then, the members of your team, tonight, are not totally unknown to you ?

Artus, Cartman, Valérie (Damidot: Editor's note), Alex (Alexandra Rosenfeld) are all friends! The only one I did not know was Hugo Clément. He is awesome this guy, he is a super nice sportsman. It was his first participation and he did not deserve.

Have there been more complicated events than others for you this year?

For the production team, it becomes difficult to find new events for me, because I have almost all done. They try to surprise us as much as possible. And since I'm not afraid of emptiness, animals, or insects, it's hard to figure out how to put myself in the wrong. But, as I had just given birth, I was a little weaker physically and I discovered fears that I did not have.

Becoming a mother made you less fit?

I realized that I was taking less risk than before. I gave birth without epidurals, the work lasted 21 hours and I dislocated the basin. During the first test, I dismissed it again. So I could not do everything. I missed the rubber band trial while I was dreaming. It will be for next year ! (Laughs)

For which badociation do you play?

Imag'In, which promotes access to education around the world. It was Artus who proposed to defend this badociation. At the end of one of his shows, volunteers from the organization came to talk to him about the cause that touched him.

How is the new season coming? Your character, Juliet, in Camping Paradise will be present in season 10?

I can not say anything for the moment, because all this is under discussion. On the other hand, I have a book project around motherhood and a blog called Nine months that is a hit! I take my time. It was complicated for me to have a child, so I want to enjoy my little boy to the fullest.

Fort Boyard is to be followed every Saturday at 20.55 on France 2.


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